Common Commercial Fire Hazards
While it’s true that many local businesses have countless fire hazards around the office, many are easily rectified. It wouldn’t take much to ensure the utmost safety within your business. Here’s where to begin your search for fire hazards.
Office Kitchens
At home, in residential properties, the kitchen is one of the leading places where a fire may begin. At the office, it’s the same way. It’s likely that your work kitchen doubles as a break room, so employees tend to be a bit more relaxed in the area. However, there are risks. These fire risks include microwaving aluminum foil, grease fires, toaster oven mishaps, and leaving cooking pots unattended.
Damaged Electrical Cords
Your business probably cannot operate without electricity. If you have many electronics, such as computers or fax machines, then you also have plenty of power cords. Over time, these electrical cords will take a beating and become frayed or worn out. A damaged cord can cause an electrical fire, which is troublesome to put out.
Overloaded Outlets
In the same vein as a damaged electrical cord, your office’s electrical outlets may be easily overloaded due to heavy machinery or electronic equipment. Instead of using an extension cord for long periods, which is a fire hazard in its own right, invest in improved circuits and power supply.
Personal Heaters
During the winter, it’s not uncommon for employees to pull out a personal space heater for underneath their desk. A nice, warm environment can make work more bearable for some. However, a space heater is a common fire hazard both in commercial and residential environments. If the unit is too close to a flammable object, such as a blanket or paperwork, it can easily catch fire and ignite the entire office.
Fire Prevention Equipment
That’s right; the equipment you rely on to prevent or combat fire can be a leading cause of commercial fire, too. A fire extinguisher, for example, is only designed to last for 15 years at most. The fire sprinkler system must also be tested thoroughly to prevent a commercial fire.
In the aftermath of a commercial fire, trust in the experts to provide the best fire & smoke damage restoration possible.