Cleaning dirty clothes is not all you will have to clean if your washing machine drain pipe overflows.
When a washing machine goes through its cycles, it pumps out dirty water to allow room for the clean water to rinse your clothes. There is an outlet tube located behind the washer and is made of flexible tubing and runs directly to your main sewer line or into a washtub and then goes down the drain.
A washing machine drain pipe overflow can be cause for several reasons. The moist common problem is a clog in the drain pipe. Tiny pieces of fabric from your clothing (lint) comes off during washing and settles in the pipe. A kinked discharge hose, deteriorating pipes, main sewer line clogs or drain pipes that are too small that can cause washing machine overflows, to name a few.
What do I do if my washer is overflowing?
What can I do to minimize the risk of washing machine drain pipe overflow?
If you can’t get the drain pipe issue resolved, call in professional help to determine the cause and repair the problem.